Thursday, August 19, 2010


Ian (coming up behind and hugging me): "Who loves you?"
Me: "You!"
Ian: "No, Jesus!"

Hysterical laughter for a few minutes.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Crazy little thing called...

I'm starting to get irritated. Is it so hard for people to check a box, write their name, and stick a pre-stamped envelope in the mail? I thought that was the whole point of pre-stamping and self-addressing them before putting them with the invites.

It's been a week since we've gotten any RSVPs. There are 13 days until the requested deadline. There's a reason I need to know if you're coming a month before the wedding. I really don't want to have to call 65 people on August 26th.

This wedding stuff sucks.

Or maybe it's my lack of drugs. I really need to pick those up...